Wednesday, May 30, 2007


did you misc me?

just back from mcr - have posted some piccies of this ever changing city over at digitalis; what strikes me more than ever is the overlaying of the victorian and the modern - i like this kind of overlaying - very fourth world

on my trip to a garden centre in Bury, i was rather taken aback to see a display of toy Gollywogs:

Now I have fond memories of collecting tokens from the back of jam jars for little pin badges of gollies in various occupations - spaceman golly, cowboy golly etc, maybe even doctors lawyers politicans too. I also remember the point at which Robertson's finally conceded that such images were no longer appropriate. I know that there is a taste for all things grotty 70s (Life on Mars, Made in England etc) but isn't this taking it all a bit far? What next - a revival of "Mind your Language" ?

Eager readers will have noticed my ever expanding list of links - I think this is an important part of my role as educator and facilitator. Can I particularly recommend the ever thought provoking City of Sound, and the work of my new electronic chum, a digital artist called One Eye.

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