Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Chi in the Park

In between

The rain storms

In between a gap in the rainstorms, I took myself up for a stroll around Avenue House, as I frequently do in the search for inspiration and perspiration.

On the paved section in front of the hut that stands for a caff, a man was practising advanced tai chi moves with a sword. As a tai chi novice of 6 weeks, I stopped to have a chat with him about tai chi. Our chat was interrupted by the appearance of two police offices. “’Ello ‘ello ‘ello” said one, no really, “we’ve had reports of someone in the park wielding a sword”.

Anyway the tai chi chap explained what he was doing and that the swords (he had two) were blunt. The coppers inspected them and took his details. His name was something like Naftali Goldblatt. I’m thinking he was Israeli. There was an awkward moment when after one question too many he asked the coppers if they wanted to know the name of the last girl he shagged. I interjected that I did, but I was ignored. “That won’t be necessary” said the primary copper. After a pause, the copper said “I detect a note of sarcasm.” Yeah well done mate! Anyway the awkward moment passed and tai chi man packed up his swords and the coppers trundled off.

“What I shame” I said to him, as I had been looking forward to seeing his moves and taking some photos for you lovely readers. We had a further chat about tai chi and the importance of balance in movement and he asked me if I knew the Taoist Walking Meditation. As I didn’t, he explained it to me. You inhale for two steps, hold your breath for one step, exhale for two steps, hold for one step. 1 - 2 - 1 -2 - 1-2 et seq.

I did a further perambulation of the park, and found the Meditation surprisingly difficult to keep up, but when you get into a routine you really do lose yourself in it. Recommended.

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