After my pilates session, they kindly let me have a go on their latest gizmo, the Zen Chi Machine. It looks like a little cushion perched on top of an upside down washing up bowl – I found a picture on the net, but in the one I tried the leg supports were covered by the cushion. You lie on your back with your feet in the slots and the contraption then vibrates. Quite strongly. It feels a bit like when you give your duvet a good shake in the morning – here you are the duvet and the motion is lateral rather than vertical.
Anyway it was set to give me five minutes of shaking all over. When it stopped I was advised not to try moving for a bit. I felt a buzzy tingling on my skin over the whole of my body. My pilates instructor said something about my aura but I was astral travelling at the time and so unable to comprehend what she said.
I was certainly spaced out and feeling quite mellow and happy. My sinuses seemed particularly clear. The good feeling lasted all the way home and after dinner I fell into a deep sleep in front of the telly, although this might have been something to do with the tedium of the Chelsea – Barcelona game.
The science: – according to one website selling it, “the Zen Chi Machine is a unique non-impact exercise movement that stimulates venous and lymphatic return, as well as the digestive tract, all whilst lying down. Making it the easiest exercise routine. Just 15 minutes exercise a day will improve energy levels, body appearance and create an overwhelming sensation of well being.”
Chi of course is “life force energy” and as William Blake said (and something of a new motto for me) Energy is Delight.
Not sure I would buy one (at £150) but would certainly try it again.
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