Monday, December 18, 2006

My First Award

Well I am very pleased to announce that I have won my first award, and it’s a big one too - Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. And I’m not joking!

The only downside is I’m not alone, as they have awarded the award to “You”. Who? You. Me? No, you. You who? Anyway us, including me. The citizens of the new digital democracy as they call it. Anyone who had written a blog, posted a video on YouTube, or who has a profile on My Space. So I’m a treble winner.

I don’t want to be ungrateful, but I'm not that happy about sharing the award with quite so many reprobates, ranging from the (as at today) 140.2 million plus profiles on my space, to the Israeli dancing girls to the newly censorial The Latte Days to whoever it was who posted this:

And as I endeavour to prove on a regular basis, I am not part of a digital democracy, but a digital mediocracy.

So I say, enough power to the people; give the power to the pixies!


The latte days in North London said...

To be described as a reprobate is one thing but to mis-spell the Latte days as Latter days is just damn, damn rude. One more thing, I used to be in the Brownies and I was a pixie!!

RG said...

Sorry, I put the wrong contact lenses in this morning and my proofreading was consequently not up to scratch. I have amended the typographical error. Power to the Pixies.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is my real name. You can only imagine the life it's given me (thanks dad!). Glad you enjoyed the night.

Thogdin Noam Haylett Ripley.

RG said...

well we all have our troubled waters to bridge. thanks for stopping on by; its really rather a glorious name.