Thursday, November 09, 2006

Perpetual Motion.

It’s just a matter of mathematics really.

There are only 24 hours in a day. That’s not going to change anytime soon. Each year, the public transport system struggles ooh just a little bit more to cope. The journeys take longer. Extrapolate - you will begin to spend more time in transit than you do at work or in bed. Soon you will be able to access your mobile ‘phone on the tube, and with that will come full wireless interconnectivity. So rather than travelling to your office, you will be travelling in your office. As we approach 2012, the tube will run 24 hours a day. The pharmaceutical companies will have perfected pills which reduce the need for sleep. Exacerbated by rising house prices, people will start to live on the tube: working, not sleeping, always travelling. A support culture will arise; tiller girls and boy walking up and down the carriages offering ice cream, beverages, smart “cereal” bars, paid for by chip and pin cards inserted in your index finger.

Portaloos will be installed on every platform. The loos will analyse your stool, and advise if for example you need more zinc or vitamin B12 in your diet. The results will be downloaded to the NHS database and shared with other governmental systems; your DNA compared with information on your ID profile; any illegal substances (steroids being the drug of choice for the professional classes by the turn of the decade) will be detected and the information passed on to police via the crime database.

For shopping, head on down to the Tesco Circle Line, a mini Metro on every platform, and a fully stocked supermarketsupertrain coming round every twenty minutes. Lack of sunlight and genetically modified supasoya ™ dinners will take their toll on your libido, but for those rare moments you will be able to pop down to an easyFUCK ™ capsule brothel located in one of the disused tunnels. All five genders catered for. Virgin Active Trains will offer gyms although most users will go just for the showers.

This isn’t about prophecy, it’s about calculating the results of the equations.

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